Sarah Gaer
Sarah Gaer is a suicide loss survivor and a Master's Level Clinician with 20 years’ experience in the field of mental health care. Her graduate degree work was focused on military veterans and trauma. She’s worked as an outpatient clinician, on a crisis team, and led a team of crisis counselors following the June 1st, 2011 tornado in Western and Central MA through a FEMA Crisis Counseling Program (CCP).
Sarah was most recently a Suicide Prevention Specialist focused on first responders with Riverside Trauma Center. She has trained hundreds of first responders in trauma and suicide prevention in Massachusetts and is a QPR (Question, Persuade & Refer) Master Trainer for the QPR Institute. Sarah is also member of the Riverside Trauma Center trauma team and has responded to suicides, homicides, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks throughout Massachusetts. She has also worked with many families after their loss by suicide and is currently co-chair of the Pioneer Valley Coalition for Suicide Prevention and sits on the Executive Committee for the Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention.
She has presented her work at International, National, and State Suicide Prevention Conferences and her writings have been published by SAMHSA and the Good Men Project. Sarah is currently the Senior Team Leader for the FEMA funded Crisis Counseling Program MassSupport Network responding to Covid19 in Massachusetts. Sarah has published her novel "The Price", children's book "Good Night, Grace" and two editions of Guts, Grit & The Grind: MENtal Mechanics MANual with Sally Spencer-Thomas and Comedian Frank King.
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Who We Are
Suicide Prevention Alliance is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that helps people who are in need of preventative suicide assistance